Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Expensive Hoodie!

So, last night we finally had our graduation ceremony. Only 1 month after finishing the semester! Actually, it was even worse for the grads who finished in the spring.... their's was last night too!

Only about 1/4 of my classmates showed up for it. Some didn't care, some forgot, and some probably never even knew it was happening. The people who finished in the Spring were at about 50%, so they care a little more --although, to be honest, they weren't as jaded when they finished.

Regardless of the lack of attendance by my classmates, it was a fairly good evening and to top it off I won an award in recognition of my leadership (who knew "bow down" would pay off, eh?). I received a certificate and the coveted hoodie.

Yep, $27,000 in tuition and I have a hoodie!!

Yay me.


Madley said...


Dreama said...

Hey, I had to buy my hoodie...but I got a t-shirt and banner for free. Congrats on making it official! Now go out there and make it work!