Saturday, October 28, 2006

Time and Time and Time Again

Well, there's not much to follow-up with the whole car accident thing. I called when they told me to call and they told me to call on October 28th.

So, on October 28th I called and they told me they'd call me.

They're doing a further investigation, which most likely means she's lied about something. How hard is it to have a map of the intersection, see damage on the passenger-side of the car with right-of-way and damage on the driver side of the vehicle failing to yield and not know the outcome?

THis has got to be the most frustrating thing I've dealt with in a long, long time!

1 comment:

Dreama said...

the whole industry is a sham, set out to make taxpayers pay for insurance companys to get rich.

When I racked up my car on the 401 in 2000, the police wrote down that I was following to closely...WTF? I was in bumper to bumper traffic, doing about 45 in a 100 zone...I was creeping along like everyone else. The guy in front of my slammed on the brakes and mine failed me. Hardly a case of following too closely, just case of failed brakes, probably due to overuse...hard drive a standard in such stop and go had taken me 45 minutes to get just a few miles.