Saturday, October 30, 2004

My Replies

Wow! There's actually other people reading this!! Thanks for the comments, they are appreciated!!

I didn't lose my job because of surfing the net or even having the Blog (although either would've made it worse). Nope, I lost my job for sharing my opinion too openly with people about working with the Co-Workers From Hell in what is now officially the Department From Hell. Nothing but problems, and the beat the Hell out of me that Ileft --and that wasn't enough for them.

No, I'm completely gone now and doing the active job search. I could be bitter (and will be a little --it makes for interesting writing), but I need to move on and LOVE that I've had so much weight lifted off my shoulders.

Coincidentally, a job opened up right nearby in the exact position I was just doing. I applied the very same day I left this last job. It's looking good and I have faith it'll work out.

Time will tell, yes?

1 comment:

Dreama said...

hey, you'd think with all that time on your hands, you would have posted since Oct 30th...heh heh...but then again, much of your inspiration was from work, so NOW what can you blog about? The job hunt? Keep us posted, ya hoser. :-)