Thursday, April 01, 2004

My Reaction

Well, day one with the new potential CFH (Co-worker From Hell)
actually went quite well.  I told my boss that I has quite pleased I got to
corrupt the new guy first.  I trust that Whiner and F-Bomb did a marvellous
job of de-training him once I left for the day.  In fact, the half-hour
that Whiner was here for the training, she showed how to stand a round and call
people and not leave messages.  Brilliant!  I hadn't thought to add
that to the training list.

I've been told by a few people that I'll have to observe things for a few days,
so we'll see.  We'll see.  One of my old supervisors pulled him aside
and told him to watch what he says around here "with all the young
impressionable ladies" which goes right in line with the things I've heard
to watch for.  Naturally, one of the kids acts up and refers these two
women coming in for a meeting with my boss by saying, "he was expecting two
sexy ladies."  Jesus, you could hear the sonic boom of the sexual harassment
suit getting slapped on us.

As if that wasn't bad enough, people decided yesterday was the most opportune
time to bring up the rumoured affair I had with SC.  Bad enough to bring it
up in front of people who know NOTHING about it, but there were others (some of
whom I've worked with in the past) walking by at the time.  I cleared my
throat to strike the 'conversation' and besides stopping the conversation. 
It stopped every single person in their tracks.  Now, that is a

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