Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OK, been a couple weeks since posting... too much going on and not enough time to put thoughts into words. I'm actually doing this from the Vancouver Public Library today as I'm downtown on business and have time to kill.

I had a different theme in mind for 2008. It did not, however, work out. Going against my usual tradition of "splainin" the theme at the year's changeover, I'm revealing the themes for 2007 and 2008 in this post. 2007 was all about "The One" which I basically stole from 'Friends' as that's how they titled every episode. 2008 is different and since I couldn't think of anything better, the titles for this year are simply a single word that follows a theme in each post.

This may mean more posts from me and shorter than normal as well.

Deal with it. :)


Madley said...

Hey there HH, I like that theme and the short entries! (I try but I just run off at the mouth...)

Happy New Year and crossing my fingers for you to get this job!

Dreama said...

well it's about time...I've been waiting on baited breath to hear about the theme... ;-)