Friday, January 18, 2008

The results from the job interview came in quite quickly from the interview on Tuesday. I was told it would be a week. And having dealt with the old office (From Hell!) when it came to job postings, a "week" to an job candidate can actually be up to 3 weeks (or not informed at all).

This took less than 24 hours.


No more.

No more annoying commute, switching modes of mass transportation every 30 minutes.
No more being left in the dark about my job responsibilities.
No more annoying work partner.
No more missing trains because of slow traffic and a slower crossing light.
No more extremely low pay.

No more.

Effective February 4, I start a much better job (with the company at #1 on my list when I was in school) and I'm already bouncing off the walls.

I have one week left at work. One week and I never have to go there again.

Thank God.


Madley said...


Congrats :)

Dreama said...

Awesome, totally awesome, dude...I mean ya hoser...

Perhaps this will be a year of optimism? Or am I too optimistic...