Saturday, July 29, 2006

Time to Rest

Originally my post today was going to be about my birthday yesterday, even though the 'party' is tonight.

My cat died this morning. He was 12 years old, suffering from diabetes and a few days ago had one too many ravenous attacks on food mistakenly left out . My assumption is the 1-square foot or so of aluminum foil he ingested finally did him in. He could barely walk anymore and was struggling and drooling with every motion. He didn't even want breakfast, which is a far cry from where he was just a few days ago. He'd run over his brother just to get at the food. Today, he just nudged his brother's shoulder (my assumption, he most likely was just falling over and hit his brother) and made his way out of the room.

He's gone now. He gets to rest and not suffer any longer. I'm taking this a lot harder than I thought. His brother's still so strong and vibrant and there was just no comparison between them anymore. He literally wasted away in front of us and was maybe 1/4 of his weight from a year ago.

My mother's taking care of everything now that it's over. The rest of my life can't hold for me to handle anything and I have to put on a brave face this afternoon for a ton of production things.

I'll miss being greeted at the door at the end of a hard day and harder drive.

Rest in peace, buddy. You've earned it.


Madley said...

My deepest condolences, HH... it's so hard to lose a buddy like that.

Peace to you and yours,

PS I'm always here reading you :), though not very vebose lately either commenting or blogging (except about elevators).

Dreama said...

awwwww, that is so sad, Hoser...I lost my kitty in 1998 after 9 years with her. It is hard, I remember taking her to the Humane Society to have her put to sleep, and crying my eyes out all the way home.

Better days ahead!