Friday, July 14, 2006

Helmet.... Anywhere a helmet?

Once again, my grad project has taken on babysitting proportions once again. Although I'm the #1 guy on the team, I have 3 subordinates working more directly with departmental leaders. 2 of these leads quit over our 2-week break (and I was happy to see them go as they were both incredibly disorganized)... one of them was responsible for all the art in our project, but kept losing work that people had done. So, when we needed to refer to things, it was nowhere to be found. So, then a whole new piece would need to be done, taking precious time away from other work....

We can't find those either.

The other guy was responsible for writing up a 30-or-so-page document explaining the design process behind our project and to add a "story" to give some credence/logic to what we were doing. He failed miserably and 4 people trying to help had their suggestions set aside and never "sussed out" enough for anyone's taste. It got so bad, that when we asked him to describe some characteristics about a specific person in the design, he couldn't do it. So, he was gone too.

So, now we have 2 new people and I really wonder how much futher along we'd be if they'd been in control of their areas from the start. They're both incredibly organized and totally dedicated (but not to a fault, they're both willing to step away whenever necessary, which is good: we can't have an emotional connection or people fall apart when basic pieces are cut).

The problem now is: the 2 guys who are out are causing nothing but trouble. They're spreading rumours about things changing and generally freaking out a number of people on the project. No one likes hearing about change, but they don't seem to understand how little time we have left until mid-September. Hell, this is supposed to be done in August!

So, once again I'm dealing with children in their 20s.... I really hate it.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

breathe in, breathe out...keep doing this and the final term will be over before you know it. and you might get a natural high too if you breathe fast enough...