Thursday, May 26, 2005

Tick Tock

My wife's mad at me right now because I got mad. Not at her, but just mad in general.

See, last night I said I was having a late night (meaning 2 or 3am before bedtime) because I still had work to do before Friday. And I knew Thursday was going to be an unproductive day what with it being garbage day, my daughter's preschool day, and my wife was planning on getting her hair done this afternoon while my son has his "nap." So I stated that there wouldn't be much time.

My wife hates it when I don't come to bed at an early hour, but in situations like this, it's unavoidable. But, to alleviate any annoyance on her part, I promised to be in bed before 1am. Good compromise, especially since she said I had "all Thursday morning" and "a little while Thursday afternoon."

So, for my painting this morning I managed to get the garbage out to go before ten, but then had to wait until my wife showered, then I showered, before heading down to my office to get the painting done for school tomorrow afternoon. It was 11:30 before I got started and 45 minutes later I was back upstairs ready to convince my son it was "naptime" so I could get back to my work. My wife's hair appointment was at 12:30, so she should be back by 1:30, maybe 2 at the latest.

So, by 3:15, still losing the battle with my son, my wife walks in *finally* from the hairdresser's. I'm furious, and she's saying I'm mad at her.

Nope. I'm mad because I should've stayed up really freaking late last night to get my work done instead of relying on the "all morning" and "a little while" of the afternoon turned out to be 45 minutes in total.

Now she's gone to work (and not talking to me) until 9pm and I have 2 kids to take care of.

I leave for school 6am tomorrow morning.

Sleepless night anyone?

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