Saturday, April 02, 2005

Listen to the Pope

I'm not Catholic. Let me get that out of the way right away.

In fact, I'm so not Catholic in my upbringing, some would even say I'm anti-Catholic. I just say I'm 'not.' My family is definitely anti-Catholic, though. My grandfather was an Orangeman. I think that sums it up, pretty well.

To me, though, the death of Pope John Paul II is a sad day for the world. This man worked tirelessly to help those in need, no matter which corner of the world they were in.

Yes, people can criticize his views on safe sex/contraception, abortion, and divorce, but he worked for people, regardless of their faith. He even visited the imprisoned man who tried to kill him.

I've studied a great deal about the Papacy and it is quite easy to say he was one of the greatest popes in history.

I'll miss him.

1 comment:

Madley said...

You summed it up very nicely. I'll miss him too... it was always good to have him as The Rock (as opposed to the wrestler).