Sunday, April 17, 2005

Pipe Dreams

I'm not good with handyman stuff.

2 lawnmower fires and one lost lawnmower wheel, damaged nose cartiladge (from chopping wood), and a nasty gash on my forehead (washing the car) attest to that.

Remember the broken toilet?

I finally got around to replacing it today (we have 2 others so not as devastating as you think) and althought it tooks a few hours (and a nice slice on my right thumb), the toilet is officially bolted to the floor with tank in place!!

No water.

Apparently, the previous toilet's piping is about 4 inches further away from the wall than the current configuration. So that means I have to figure out if this is a job I can do or if it's time to call in an expert.

Guess which way I'm leaning?

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