Friday, April 29, 2005

The Video Store

So, two homework assignments this week include DVDs to watch. 'Citizen Kane' and, believe it or not, 'Paycheck.'

Although I'm thinking right now my instructor was acting in 'Paycheck' so I wouldn't be surprised if that's why it was one of the picks...

So, it was off to Blockbuster with coupon in hand to pick up these 2 DVDs, but I couldn't find Citizen Kane anywhere. Wasn't in Drama. It wasn't in Family. It's not a comedy, so it better not be there --and it wasn'r. So where is it? It also better not be on their top sellers list where they can charge $5 for a rental. Nope, not there either.

So, I grab "Mr. Knowledge" from an aisle and ask him where they're hiding it. "I don't think we have it," he replies. "I've heard of it," he continues.

My jaw's already dropping to the floor by this point.

OK, if you're not aware of it, Citizen Kane is the most influential movie in history. Understand that? Not just an influential movie, but the most influential movie. EVER.

If you've seen it once, go out and get the DVD ASAP. Why? Because you missed a few things. You may have thought, "all right, it was an okay movie, but what makes it influential?" Get the DVD. Roger Ebert does a commentary track on the DVD. Ebert is basically the world authority on Citizen Kane and has even written a book about the film. Watch the film, then watch it again with Ebert's commentary and see how many times you go "Ooohhh. I didn't notice that!!" Anyway, cool movie. Great story. Unbelievably genius choreography.

And friggin' Blockbuster doesn't carry it.

Fortunately, they had 6 copies of Paycheck available.


Madley said...

LOL Better luck with Netflix!

Last year -- oh dear, two years ago -- I took a fab class in film music and had to watch some of the weirdest stuff ever... but it was so enriching. No Paycheck however -- how was it?

Dreama said...

I went into a video store in Elmsdale (right outside Halifax) looking for Star Wars. They had an old section so I figured it wouldn't be a problem. She told me she had never heard of the movie before. HUH?????

Perhaps not as influential as Citizen Kane, but HOLY FRIG, it was a HUGE movie in its time and ever since...WTF??? I told her this and she gave me a blank can you work in a video store and not know the movie Star Wars???