Monday, April 18, 2005

Long Line of Cars

Despite giving myself a 2-hour "cushion" for the morning commute, I was actually late this morning. I guess it was just one of those mornings when no one felt like going to work and just wanted to sit on the freeway all freakin' day.

Seriously, one stretch not more than 3 miles long took 30 minutes. There are 2 lights on this "bypass." Insane.

The good news is, after getting my uber-marks back on the assignments, I discovered the guy sitting at the next desk is from my hometown, so I immediately spoke of the benefits of carpooling. He's been taking the train in everyday (which is $6 each way) and has missed his stop twice because he fell asleep. I told him if he gives me $5 a day I'll gladly drive him in!

Whoo-hoo! HOV lane, here I come!!


Madley said...

What does HOV stand for? (I'm assuming it's something like a carpool lane...)

Those lanes are lifesavers, especially here in LA where traffic is THE PITS. Unfortunately I don't have many occassions to use them :(

Big Hoser said...

Yeah... I've driven in LA and survived to tell the tale!!

Vancouver traffic is like LA traffic only with 2 lanes... and an HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane.

Dreama said...

they have a "carpool/taxi/bus" lane in Toronto. I don't envy a long commute...mine is just long enough - 18kms and 12 minutes.