Friday, August 06, 2004

My Old Contrary Mary

In June I mentioned Mary Mary and how she's caused all sorts of problems in my old department. [see My Vote - June 28, 2004] I heard today that Mary Mary has decided not to return to work from her leave of absence and my old department is free of her evil ways. Free to get on with life as they did before. I'm sure there were tears with the news --but tears of joy. It turns out 2 of my phone calls while on vacation were about her departure. Awww, ain't that sweet?

But this is the thing. There's a new job being created in my current department. It's a job that pays nearly double what I make right now and I have all the qualifications. Will I get it? Who knows? I'd love to get it and Drama Queen thinks she could do it too (despite the Boss telling her she has no skills whatsoever). DQ leaves us September 30th, by the way. Shed another tear, yes?

Hang on. I just realize that two pieces of deadwood have/will be giving farewells officially in the past few weeks.... could this be a trend at the office? My God, it's long overdue!!

Okay, back to me. The Boy emailed and asked if I was planning on applying for this new job --DQ is dying to know. No, I replied, I am not planning on applying for this new job. Why? Because I have already applied for this new job. Planned. Past tense is beautiful.

But now there's potential of this other job looming in the near future. It's another job I could do and have the qualifications for. In fact, part of the job is 'support' for one of my old positions in that old department. No problems there!! And, I still hang out with a number of people from that department, so they may be receptive to me coming back. Oh, sweet.

So, my decision is this: Apply for both. Interview for both. Hope to God one works out in my favour. I'm already dreading heading back to the office on Monday. My holidays can't be over that quick, can they?

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