Saturday, August 14, 2004

My Friggin' Long Quiz

.:General Info:.

Name::Hairyhoser --my real name ain't allowed on my blog
Age::29 for 3 years now --I act 40 in the morning, 18 by lunch and usually hit the bed going 70
Gender::Male (who else acts 18 by lunch?)
Height::Tall Scot = 5' 7"
Birthday::July (I'm a Leo)
Hair Color::Brown, blonde -a few grays coming through 'til I beat 'em into submission again
Describe yourself in one word::F*cked
Describe your personality in one word::Charming --hehe
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in::At my age, grades don't count anymore --a.k.a. Grade 25 (XXV)
What school do you go to::Waterloo!
And where is that::WATERLOO!!!!
Do you get good grades::When I focus on my work --oh yeah. Got a B- for a class I did in a week and failed a class I struggled with all semester
Favorite Subject::British history
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference::I'm a heterosexual man
Do you have a bf/gf::No, I don't like bf/gf's. I'm a hetero... and married
If so,what is their name::If I could make my own bf/gf... forget it. I'll stick with my wife
How long have you been dating::Dating my wife? Only a year. But we've been married for 8 years.. (no more dates...)
Do you consider yourself in love with them::Yup! Just don't like her all that much right now
If so,why::She's my dream girl. I'm convinced I dreamt about her when I was 15. A brunette wearing glasses, sitting with me all day reading books. I adjusted her glasses & kissed her
Have you had your first kiss::Why, yes I have (and 2 babies resulted ;o) )
If so,when::First girlfriend kiss? When I was 12.
Do you have a crush::Sort of. Trying not to acknowlege it these days (failing tho)
If so,what is their name::'Sex Caffeine'
Why do you like them::We'v both been trying to figure that out for 18 months now
Do they know you::Yes.
Do they know that you like them::The feeling's mutual.
How long have you known them::2 years as of July.
Best Friend(s)::My best friend is EZ, but I haven't spoken to him in a year
How long have you been friends::18 years
Do you consider yourself a good friend::As good as he gets (hehe)
How many friends do you think you have::I'm all about the love.... 2.3 million
Most popular::Alberta --nearly every guy has a crush on her
Most conceited::I'm not friends with conceited people.
Prettiest::Alberta. Definitely.
Craziest::Fluffy --he's a crazy homosexual!! ;o)
Oldest::Uhhhh... Boop admits to 54 I think
Youngest::A few of My Kids are in their late teens still. 'Minty' turned 19 in July
Most recent::When you hit your 30s friends don't come quickly. The Boy & I get along pretty good though
Smartest::Me. I scored over 140 on my IQ test.
Food::Lasagna --my wife's is the best, followed by Mom's
Person::No favorites
Show::Regular: Cold Case or Nip/Tuck; Reality: Amazing Race
Letter::F. For Friday, Free Willy and Filadelphia (old joke, sorry)
Song::This week? 'More Than This' by Peter Gabriel
Band/Singer::Band: Pink Floyd / Singer: Peter Gabriel
Place in the world::London
Dream Vacation::Someplace where I can tan and not always burn.
Dream House::Somewhere big --and with a view
Dream Room::Home theatre
Location::BC, most likely
.:Last Time You:.:I what?
Watched T.V.::Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics
Went to the bathroom::It's 12:21 am now --1 hour ago
Ate::Had dinner about 5 hours ago
Slept::18 hours ago
Listened to music::Listening to the radio right now
Used the phone::7:30 tonight
IMed someone/Got an IM::2 days ago
Went to school::Last time I was in a classroom to learn was in January. For my degree --1997.
Played a game::6 weeks? Haven't put City of Heroes on here yet
Took a shower::11 this morning
Hugged someone:::oD Hugged Sex Caffeine about 2:30 this afternoon
Went on a date::Last Thursday --my wife & I took a day into Vancouver
Wrote a letter::WROTE, wrote? Years. Email? Maybe 25 hours.
Cried::Felt a little choked watching the opening ceremonies (great to see so many people getting along)
.:Last Person You:.
Hugged::Sex Caffeine
Kissed::My Wife --an hour ago
Laughed at::Princess --for thinking Sex Caffeine & I were doing The Nasty today
Cried over::My wife again
IMed/Got an IM from::Dreama. Hey girl, you made the list!!
Hurt::Probably my wife --if not, then Sex Caffeine
Talked to::My wife
Spoke to on the phone::My wife
Ate with::Some friends at work. Shared a Diet Coke or two with Sex Caffeine too
Spent time with::Sex Caffeine (& NOT doing The Nasty!!)
Saw::My wife
Missed::No one.
Played with::My son. "Wonder Twin powers!!" -he's good at it too
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country::Yes, but not in a week
Been out of state/province::Yes, but not in a week
Done drugs::No, but I have inhaled
Done anything illegal::Speeding counts, so 4 hours ago
Slapped someone::I slapped my son's hand today when he scratched my daughter
Cut yourself::Enough to leave a scar? 7 years ago. Minor cut? This morning
Played an instrument::Played bongo drums 'til my hands were numb at the basketball championship games in March
Hurt someone for no reason::Yes, emotionally. Never physically.
Hurt someone::Never physically, so no. or at least not since elementary school
Killed an insect/bug::Killed a spider in the hallway at work yesterday. No one would go by it.
Gotten stung by a bee::12 years ago. I'm allergic --I found out. I stepped on it in a field.
Lied to your parents::Yep, 3 weeks ago.
Stole Something::Yes, but not for years.
Kissed Someone::Yes, numerous.
.:This Or That:.
Rock or Rap::Rock
Singing or Songwriting::Songwriting (even got to go to L.A. because of it!)
Tennis Shoes or Sandals::Sandals when it's this hot --no reason for socks!!!
Phone or Computer::Computer
Biking or Skating::Biking
Analog or Digital::Digital --good Lord
Coke or Pepsi::Coke
Sprite or Sierra Mist::Sprite
MTV or VH1::I watched MTV when it first came on the air, junior!
R&B or Country::R&B --unless it's Faith Hill, then I'll sit there and drool
Cingular or T-Mobile::T-Mobile, I guess
Cats or Dogs::Leaing towards dogs these days, but it has to be a Husky
AIM or Yahoo::Neither, please
Bzoink or Quizilla::Bzoink
.:Word Association:.
Peanut::Brittle (don't even like it)
Good Charlotte::Queen Charlotte
President Bush::Idiot
Chef::Julia Childs
Evil::co-workers from Hell
.:Right Now:
Drinking::Ginger Ale, water...
What is on your mousepad::No mousepad, but usually a picture of something from home
What are you doing::taking a really long quiz to waste time
What song are you listening to::One Thing by Finger Eleven
What's in your CD player::Peter Gabriel
Wearing::Shorts, no socks, no shirt
Time::12:39 am
Day of the Month::14th now...
Day of the week::Saturday
What website are you
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad::Usually navy blue
What color is your keyboard::cream & navy blue
What is the phrase you use the most online::I'm all about the love
Did you like this survey::not anymore, no
Are you sad that it's over::not really
What are you gonna do after this survey is over::stretch --geez
Do you like pop-up ads::No --and one just popped up!
How long have you been online::Today? 7 hours

You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions) brought to you by BZOINK!
EmotionDump - 100% Anonymous Emotions and Confessions

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