Monday, August 16, 2004

My Evil Self & I

"The man maketh money and the wife taketh away." Thus spake.... somebody. I don't know.

What I DO know is that the money situation's getting to frustrating levels. It wouldn't be so bad if we were both working, but I'm the sole provider right now. And, naturally, the fact that I went out a got a new car was the biggest mistake I could make. Can we afford it? Yes, but barely. We were paying $3000+ a year in repairs on my old car, but suddenly paying the same $3000 a year for the car is insurmountable.

Drives me crazy.

The thing is, we're paying for everything based on my salary and as I discovered --much to my dismay-- a few weeks back, I'm making the same salary now as I was when we bought this house 6 years ago. This sucks.

I'm trying to get things on eBay and managed to get almost 70 things on in the past 2 weeks, but I'm selling a few items that I'd never intended to get rid of. Things change --and I'm doing my part.

But aren't I already doing my part? I'm working 40+ hours a week and put in 200+ hours of overtime in the past year. Yet all the money problems have become my problem. This sucks too.

When my friend fixed my computer, he gave me a network hub, meaning I could hook up my old computer and new computer to the internet via the same connection. Only problem there is that I need to buy some extra network cables to do it. My plan was to keep the newer computer downstairs (now becoming my Fortress of Solitude) and run a network cable upstairs through the ceiling. 2 cables will cost me about $20, but every time I go to get them , there's something else that needs to be taken care of first.

So I haven't reformatted the old computer, hooked it up or bothered bringing it upstairs. So you know what that means...

Yep, I'm getting pressure for not taking care of the computer thing.

My selfish act for the day was getting my haircut for the wedding on Saturday. My hairdresser is the MC for the wedding and we looked over some of the paperwork today, including the program. I'm listed as a 'friend' of the groom. Close. I'm married to his sister, so I think I'm an in-law, not just a friend. Enh, whatever. I'll take it as a sign that within the year we'll be friends --not in-laws.

So, yeah, a haircut. Last week, my wife got her hair coloured and trimmed and it came to $40. She's not in the wedding party, but insisted she not have any greys or whites showing for the wedding. Of course, I haven't had my hair cut since June and I need to look presentable standing up in front of everyone...

So, today I got my haircut (and frosted, hehe) after work. And tonight I'm paying dearly for it. How dare I spend money on myself like that. I paid for it through Paypal (of all things...) and that money comes form one thing and one thing only: eBay. My work. My time. Why should I be punished for it?

So, it's time for me to be selfish and evil. Maybe for the rest of the year.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

this relationship is very unhealthy for you - do you get that feeling too? sorry to state the obvious...I feel for ya :-(