Tuesday, August 03, 2004

My Inappropriate Conversation

She started it, okay? While waiting for my computer to be fixed, I stopped by to say 'hi' to Sex Caffeine. Yep, it's been a few weeks since we last talked (vacations have a tendency to do that) and I wanted to hear about her vacation as I'm hoping to do the same thing before the end of October:

ME: "So, how was your trip?"
SC: "Fine."
ME: "Did you get to the museum to see the exhibit?"
SC: "... No..."
ME: "No? I thought that was supposed to be the highlight?"
SC: "Well, we got sidetracked. A lot. Get it?"
ME: "I want details."
SC: "Well, that's inappropriate!"
ME: "Screw that. You started it! Details! I promise I'll be nice!"
SC: "Yeah, right!"
ME: "Ssssooooo.... how were you?"
SC: "G-- hey!!"

I'm such a bastard.

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