Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bouncy Bouncy

Never have I dreaded the walk to campus more than on Wednesdays of this semester. It's a time-consuming class with a growly insctructor. He yells at a lot of people, he patronizes students when they just don't get it. If they try and tell a joke, he usually lashes out at them. He's told 3 students that they won't make it in the profession without getting fired in their first month. It keeps me inside of 2 classrooms from Noon until after 10pm.

Yeah, I only said 'me' in that last sentence. He actually likes me. He doesn't yell at me. He laughs at my jokes. He talks to me like I'm his best friend and confidante.

And he's invited me to have lunch with the CEO of the company for which I want to work after I graduate.

So, as usual, coming home around Midnight (or 2am this week), I was bouncing off the walls for a few hours before finally falling asleep. I never thought I'd be in a position like this. A position where I can start networking. A position where my networking starts at the top.
A position where, no matter what happens, I come up smelling like roses.

Then, this morning, my inbox has a message from one of the members on the team. He's been in touch with friends working for a (not naming them) Major Japanese Company. MJC has a North American division and their interest is piqued because they've never heard of a small group doing such an ambitious project in 6 months. We have 19 people working for 6 months, they usually have 75+ people work for 2 years. Yep, it's ambitious. His email:
"Just wanted to make sure it was okay with you that I'm talking about our project to [MJC]? If so, good because if they like what they see, they'll probably just hire our entire team and move us down to California."

Man, time for more bouncing!

1 comment:

Dreama said...

This is exciting news, hoser! Keep us might also be a way to get some space between you and your parents...they likely won't visit as often for as long if you move away...heh heh. But I might have to come see you in California!