Monday, June 05, 2006


There's been a few changes and things around here in the past week. I still look at this blog and think there's more to say, but...

Writing in this blog = time... I have no time.

With 'no time' also comes increasing frustration. And I mean a lot of it. People everywhere are pissing me off at the moment...

But I digress... Sometimes writing out frustrations doesn't help. So, anyhoo, here's a list of things on my mind at the moment:
  1. An instructor asked me to get active on a local website for artists. Start posting my work and help critique other people's stuff. While I don't have time for it (hmmm, a theme!), I thought it might give me at least a minor break from the frustrations I'm having with my courses at the moment. But that didn't work. One of the guys working on our big group project posted some work and got pissy little comments back. All it proved was there's a supreme lack of intelligence on the boards when most of the people are from the same school. Then the moderator, who is an industry professional, ripped the artwork apart on the forum, stating that it's majorly flawed and poorly planned. No one --not one post-- had the ability to acknowledge that it was a work in progress. Idiots.
  2. I decided to add some helpful hints to one post for a game idea. First off: I hate the word 'will.' If anyone recalls posts about 'Fluffy' (my old office roommate), he hated the word 'that.' 'That,' in his opinion, is just a filler word. "Players that receive a reward" is just a really bad sentence. "Players will receive a reward," to me, is just as bad. "Players receive a reward..." just sounds better. So, here I am stating that adding "will" anywhere lends itself towards passive voice. Someone replies that there's only one sentence that's actually in passive voice (I didn't say they were passive sentences, I said 'will' lends itself to passive voice). They back up their response by pointing out their experiences at Future Shop as a sales associate... Yeah, fine. Your Future Shop employment history beats my college education. Yep. Mmm-hm. Screw helping out, I have enough idiots to deal with.
  3. My parents apologized on Friday. They dropped by and we had a discussion. They relented and apologized. I refused to accept their apology at first and made them apologize to my kids. I wasn't the one who was hurt, after all, I've dealt with them for years.
  4. My parents sold their house and their offer on a condo (about 25 minutes from both my sister & I) was accepted while they were apologizing. They'll be local again by August.
  5. I'm going into week 10 of 11 in my current semester. I still haven't figured out my schedule. I've had 2 Monday classes cancelled because of holidays and one of those clases was rescheduled to a Sunday morning. I've also gone in for an extra day on a Friday. So, yeah, still haven't figured out my schedule.
  6. Next semester, my final one, is looking like weekday classes only. Nothing at night and nothing on weekends. SWEET. It means my commute is by train, not car. It also means I'll be there Monday-to-Friday, 8-5.
  7. Actually, I'll be there 4 days a week. We have another 'fluff' course next semester and I won't be taking it. My life experiences negate the class.
  8. No one else wants to take the class, either. It's called 'professional development,' but it's basically 44 hours of preparing your resume and working on interview skills. 44 hours I can spend doing something else, thanks. Most people seem intent to skip the course altogether. Good luck graduating.
  9. My carpool buddy is doing 2 annoying things right now. First, he's moving back into Vancouver this summer. That means no more HOV lane commute for me. :( Also, he's skipped one of our classes 3 times which most likely means he receives an automatic fail. Going into our final semester is not the time I'd want to have 6 classes. Sucks to be him.
  10. My meeting on Friday was awesome!! I got to hear all about the company that's #1 on my list of dream jobs from the guy who runs the place. I was introduced by my instructor as: "One of the most organized and responsible producers I've ever seen." Seriously, coming from someone with over 25 years' experience, that means so much!
  11. One of my classmates paid me a rather large compliment the other day. He said whenever he gets frustrated with his work progress he just thinks of me and everything I have to deal with and that gets him motivated again. If I can do it, so can he. He asked me how I cope and I said: "I work hard, I make sure my kids now I exist, I talk with my wife and share my work with her, I cry alot and then I poo a little."
  12. OK, I didn't really say that. I could imagine the look on his face, though!!
  13. Latina Lady IM's me daily and we 'chat' for a few hours while I work. We've both complained recently about the lack of time to go work out. She said she needs a new workout buddy and I jokingly said I could never be her "w.b." because I'd be distracted all the time. Somehow that convinced her I'd be a good "w.b."
  14. Uh oh.
  15. Fortunately, nothing will happen exercise/health-wise until I"m done this semester. I don't have time to exercise!!
  16. One of my 3D models is giving me a major headache. It's so simple too. I've made a roadway for my environment piece. Part of it is cobblestone, part of it is road with a sidewalk on both sides. The rest is just country road. I've made 3 textures out of 4 (there's some t-intersections where the cobblestone meets the pavement), but the model's all screwed up now. I'm not impressed. :( I've spent 5 hours on it today.
  17. I'm convinced 'Alberta' was on 'Battle of the Jaywalk All-Stars 2.' But everytime I try and download the video from the NBC site, the computer crashes. Or the site. I've tried from 7 different computers with no luck.
OK, I think that's enough. I'm sure there's more I've forgotten.


Madley said...

Always good to hear what's going on with you! Congrats on your week 10 of 11... hang in there, Mr. Artist Producer Man!

Someday soon I hope to get back to blogging and catch you up with me too... right now I have a bad toothache and no insurance so that's kinda been "in my head" lately. :(

Hang in there!

Dreama said...

don't forget the little people when you get that huge office in california...ya hoser.

Glad to hear things are looking bright at the end of your lengthy tunnel and am excited for your opportunities.

I have to go back to the job I hate on news yet for me...sigh...