Monday, June 12, 2006

One and Two...

As, one project completed and two to go! Then, I'm finished for another semester! Whoo!

I have an exam too, but I'm basically discounting that class --yet another fine example of why we need electives instead of having fluff forced on us...

I got my revenge on 'Loser Boy' tonight as the instructor encouraged us to critique each other's work. To summarize, his work was crap and I let him know it in a verbal barrage that'll keep him in cold sweats tonight.


I have a presentation to do on Wednesday night, the fluff exam on Saturday morning and my other project (which coincided with the one due tonight) due on Saturday afternoon.

And that's it. Rightly earned 2 weeks off before the FINAL 11-week push to graduation.

It's hard to believe it's coming so quickly. Freakin' scary too.

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