Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yer a Loser

I'm sure you all recall 'Loser-boy' from school.

A week ago (I just found out today), one of the guys decided it was time to see just how big a loser this guy is. After laughable moments where he couldn't spell 'HUGE' and 'COLOUR' (that's the Canadian spelling, Mad ;) ), it was time for Loser-boy to test his skills with Nintendo's BrainAge.

I've played some of the levels of BrainAge and enjoy the quick math tests. 20 questions, 20 correct answers: 14 seconds and change. I felt pretty good.

Loser-boy gave it a try. 20 questions, 14 correct answers: 5 and a half minutes.

He thought 4x4 equaled 0. The game was waiting for a second digit that it kind of froze before it realized he'd written down his answer. 4x4.....

[this post was originally written on May 16th --why it didn't publish.... I don't know]

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