Saturday, May 13, 2006


On fire this morning.

Loyal readers may recall the tales of 'Hottie' who gave me a ride to the wedding last spring... She's hurt her back (I said she was too rough on her boyfriend, but she strained it on the rowing machine...) and is seeing a chiropractor. The following is quoted from a conversation between Hottie, J. (a classmate) & I over coffee in the cafeteria this morning:

Hottie - "Going to the chiropractor again."
Me - "Yeah?"
Hottie - "Yeah. Ever had your leg strapped up and then pulled to straighten your spine?"
Me - "No. Actually, if it involves latex and feathers, then yes."

J. sprayed coffee out his nose. Seriously, he does it once a month. I should watch what I say in front of him.

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