Sunday, April 16, 2006

Moving Daze

My parents have invaded.

On Saturday, whilst I was mired in classes, my parents moved a bedroom suite into my old office. As I type this, they're sleeping less than 15 feet away behind a closed door. As for outstaying their welcome... they'll be attempting that this time as they're staying 'til at least Tuesday or Wednesday. As annoying as my parents can be (loud talking after the kids have gone to bed, 'taking over' for meals, etc, etc....), somehow I've found myself looking at their annoying habits and found the positives.

They eat... constantly. They both had a couple of hot cross buns just before going to bed. Mom had a full can of Diet Coke and Dad a glass of milk (a big glass) to wash their dessert down. This is after they polished off a pizza for dinner (where they each had a large Pepsi to drink), had a HUGE Easter lunch and at least 2 pieces of pie each.... I had 2 pieces of pizza and a slice of pie and that's all I could handle after the big lunch. And I really don't feel like eating for quite some time.

This is nothing but a good thing. I know I've gained weight since starting class (and that's on top of the weight I gained after leaving my last job), so seeing my parents eating habits really inspire to not eat for a very long time. Nothing. I want nothing to eat.

Of course, I'd like them to leave too, but boy I really don't feel like eating!!

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