Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dreaming Details

I've always enjoyed friends telling me about their weird dreams. A story I've been mulling about for years involves a guy who has in-depth dreams as he copes with his extraordinary life. And I gotta be thankful for friends who are able to dream.

I don't dream much.

I think I'm so exhausted and tired that when I sleep my brain says, "Nope. I'm going into complete shutdown!" Don't know how medically true that is, but it's a workable theory for me.

My best friend told me of a dream he had one night about 17 years ago. He was walking alone in a field of tall, dry grass. On the horizon, past a long-abandoned cabin, he could see a red light. It was a small red light, but no matter which way he moved, the light followed him. To the left, to the right, the light followed him. Then, he looked down tothe white shirt he was wearing. And he saw for the first time that it wasn't a light on the horizon. It was a beam of light and it was attached to him. As he stared at his shirt, the beam grew in size until the red enveloped him. And suddenly, he exploded into a dragon. Then he woke up, of course.

Tonight, a friend told me of his dream where everyone he talked kept pleading with him not to go. They wanted him to stay with them. No matter where he went, all he heard was "Please stay with us. You don't have to go." Eventually, he did leave, but the only way he could go was by loading himself onto a catapult and launching himself into the sky. And then he woke up.

I'm going to use these somehow.


Madley said...

These are intense dreams... Freud would have a field day with all this "exploding" and "launching"... !

Dreama said...

I have had a couple of recurring dreams for is that I am lost in a school of some sort and can't find my way through it, or what I'm looking for. I run through hallways and stairwells, in and out of the school and wake up frustrated and tired.

The other one is that I am packing to go somewhere by plane, train, boat, bus, whatever and for whatever reason, I can never get ready in time, and I am rushing around trying to find things, packing things, looking for things...

Weird huh? What would Sigmund say about that?