Friday, March 11, 2005

All This and Nothing

I've come up with something everyday this week to write about, but Blogger seems to have its own idea as to whether or not I can actually write it out. I keep getting "no data" when I click on links and today's the first time since Monday I've been able to add a new post here. I've been able to comment on other blogs no problem, but I'm getting screwed around royally with my own. That and my profile STILL has been f---ing updated yet. Dreama's was updated something like 2 weeks ago, but she squeaked her wheel, so I guess they obligated to please her and no one else.

At this rate, I'll be the only person in North America NOT blogging by the end of year. But I'm not bitter. I hit 300 posts at some point in December and don't have the time to count manually (nor the concentration with my son's new hobby: screaming), so I have NO frickin' idea where I'm at now.

I'm a stats guy and this is seriously killing me. I needs me numbers.

As for all the things I was planning on writing about? Gone. Lost in a frenzy of a child in need of yet another Arrowroot and a father whose patience disappeared quite soon after the 3rd cookie in 20 minutes. Any attempts to do ANYTHING are greatly interrupted, thus lost, and never to be found again.


1 comment:

Madley said...

Welcome back! I was trying earlier this week to post to people's blogs and it wasn't happening... now I forgot what I was going to say.

So I guess I'm glad you didn't give me more to forget to comment about!

Moving forward... :)