Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Wedded Bliss

8 years ago July 6, I got married.  Feels more like 30 or so years ago, but then... I'm only 30 now.  Laughed at my horoscope today.  It said that life would be changing, starting now.

So I've sat back to wait for it to hit me.

Nothing yet.  Although I am on the verge of making a decision regarding school.  I'm debating whether or not to pack up and head to Waterloo and try and finish up everything I can in a semester or two on campus.  It's been 8 years since I've taken courses on a campus and everything since has been by distance.  And I'm not motivated anymore.  That, and it's difficult to study when there's a kid on either side of you screaming for something --anything.  In fact, my motivation was at it's highest 5 years ago when I visited Jude on campus.  Not to say that Jude had anything to do with it (yeah, like I'd give her credit -- ;o) ), but for the first time in years I was feeling motivated for school.  then I had a couple bad semesters in a row and there goes the motivation.  Add 2 kids to the mix and 3 job changes and school drifts further and further away.  And so, accordingly, do the job prospects --but that doesn't seem to be a big enough motivator, even though reminders are thrown in my face every few months for the past 4 years.

And now my major has been dumped at Waterloo for distance students.  Great.  I'm looking elsewhere too.  That's what I'm left with and so far I've narrowed it down to 2 American schools, which sucks in a new variety of ways.  What will transfer over?  How far away am I now?  And can I get the degree I'm looking for there?

Regardless, it's a time to acknowledge and celebrate the decisions I made in life 8 years ago.  Focus on that for a while instead of the future.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

come on ya hoser...go to school on will love it! I sure did and wish I was back there all the time. Was it that many years ago that we met??? It seems like yesterday.