Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Saturn Night Fever

The Cassini images from Saturn's moon Titan are coming in loud and clear.  Well, loud anyway.

This, according to rocket scientists, is a fuzzy picture.  But it's caused by the atmosphere --not a cheap-ass camera, in case you didn't know the difference.

Also of interest is the big 'H' appearing on the moon's surface:

Apparently the result of tectonic origins, the moon is officially branded.  That means there are two working theories:
1 - Titan is officially saying 'Hi' but it hasn't had the time to tectonically form the 'i' yet.  Hence, the message may not be meant for us here on Earth.
2 - Titan is the property of someone named Harry and they've put their brand on the moon and it is officially copyrighted.

Who says I'm bored?

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