Monday, May 21, 2007

The One With the Picture Perfect Frame

The Facebook frenzy really took off when some of 'My Kids' from "the job From Hell!" found me. Needless to say, I went from a few friends to close to 60 fairly quickly.

I'm loved.

And missed, apparently. One of the first 'kids' to add me as a friend also jumped up and sent a message letting me know that my old boss (from Hell!) is leaving. He's moving back to his home province... and not a tear was shed.

A definite emotional high from that, just knowing that he isn't going to be around here any longer. He'll be far away and the chances of running into him are that much slimmer. I couldn't ask for more, really.

But then I got more too. See, my kids set up a "Hall of Fame" because of the sheer number of people involved with my old job. I'll let you fill in the blanks as to what types of people would be involved. Regardless, there's A LOT and the Hall of Fame was set up out of respect for the consensus favorites to come out of there. As a (former) staff member, I've received an honorary induction into the Hall which was clinched when tales of my drunken admission to my old boss that he was the worst boss I'd had in my 7 years working there. No, my boss is not in the Hall of Fame, and as long as these kids are alive, he won't be.

Being a somewhat public position that my boss was in, the newspaper articles began to print this week letting everyone know he was on his way out. While most had positive things to say in the headlines, there was one headline that just said he's resigned and is leaving.

That one's now framed and is hanging on the wall as another reminder that I can sit down to work with a smile on my face everyday because I no longer work for him.

'course, I'm also smiling because I have the picture of the Fat Cat right above it....

1 comment:

Dreama said...

ah, tis nice to be recognized...I'm going to be profiled in our Annual Report...I don't think it adds up to much more than a photo with a quote and caption...but hey, it's press!