Friday, May 11, 2007

The One With the Decision

So, not soon after I last posted I decided it was time to call and leave a message, saying "thanks but no thanks."

It wasn't a job in the industry I'm trying to be in (and went to bloody school for!!) and paid much more but sometimes when it feels like you're being psycho-analyzed it can be a bad thing.

I seriously had flashbacks to my first job (a pizza slinger at a restaurant that.. was... 'Little') in high school. The way they handled "performance reviews" was to throw a little test at each person at some point during a 4-week span. In my case, they scheduled me to work until 10pm one night, which was strange because people usually worked until 9pm or they were there until closing (11pm). Oh well, I thought, they warned us of changes to the schedule and to not question it. Come 10pm, I'm clocking out and the manager flips out. Why am I clocking out? Aren't I there to close? When I argued that I was just following the posted schedule, I lost out on a promotion. Awesome!

Giving me a flashback like that didn't put Mr. Potential Boss in a better light.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Fortunately, I also received word quite soon after making the decision that there may be an opportunity coming up for me --thanks to a high school friend who had a strange parallel life with me for a few years...

1 comment:

Dreama said...

good for you - stick to your principles and you can never go just might take you down a different path, or take longer to get there. You know how you want to be treated and settle for nothing less!