Thursday, May 31, 2007

The One About Rearing an Ugly Face

It's been 10 days since I posted. Things happen, deal with it.

The facebook addiction has continued, but it's also waning a wee bit at the moment. I mentioned previously that I'd been "found" by My Kids and eventually found by others, including high school friends, friends from a youth group --and even my prom date!

In some ways, it's been kinda cool for my current friends to put names to faces and suddenly see I wasn't BS'ing them about events in my past. But the big thing I always had misgivings about has also reared it's ugly... face (for lack of a better term).

I've never been too good with friends. Oh, I care for them and their well-being and I cheers them on and support them through tough times. But I also hold grudges when I feel that my "friends" are shutting me out. It's not that I'm hurt that I'm "out", it hurts that they can't just come up and say "Well, you're out because..."

OK, that most likely kills the friendship, but if I'm out anyway... who really cares?

So, case in point. People from my youth group are literally crawling out of the woodwork. There's people popping up that I haven't spoken to in 13+ years and suddenly they've found me and are adding me to their friends lists. Well, great, it's good to hear from you too and here's what I've been doing while people currently in the youth group were conceived, born, and grew up. So, some people start talking reunion. Have a reunion because it's been a long time for so many of us...

Did I say "us"? Well, maybe I should say "them" because I haven't been invited.

It's not that I live too far away. They've invited people from Alberta, Virginia... Hell, they invited a guy from Abu Dhabi!

Me? Well I live 20 minutes away, so no invite for me.

I hate friends.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I have to say...know how you feel...some years back my high school that I graduated from (I must specify, since there were 4 high schools in my career) had it's 10 year reunion and only invited people that lived in the local area. I had kept in contact with some of the grads, provided my email address on classmates and yet - they did not send me an invitation...bastards.