Friday, November 10, 2006

Too Good to be True? - Part II

I like being wrong.

I figured there has to be a catch. I'm not working, I'm broke, and they're offering $15,000 at prime-plus-2.5%...... What am I missing?

Nothing, apparently.

Everything's set and I can breathe for the month of November.

Keep in mind, this means that we're planning on using about $4000 to pay off credit card balances (at 18-22% interest), our overdraft (24%), and our November mortgage payment. Keep 'em at the current 8.5% and not touch the money again until I'm working (or... if need be an emergency in December :( ).

This will mean extreme vigilance on my part not to be tempted into something stupid....

1 comment:

Dreama said...

Well, that sounds great! I'd like to know who is offering I could sign up!