Friday, November 03, 2006

Just around the corner from Blood Alley

So, the project meeting went well and I'll be starting on the project this weekend and most likely finished by the following weekend. That's the so-so news. The good news is that they have some clients who will be watching what I do because they're looking for an upgrade and "they have $10,000 in their budget for these things.:

I can handle that. So, next week is "dress to impress" (the website, that is).

It took nearly 3 hours to get home last night and I was freakin' exhausted by the time I pulled into the driveway. We were driving home slowly for no apparent reason. It had stopped raining, the wind had died down, but we just kept going 20km/h under the frigging speed limit. My patience wore thin and I started a slalom passing people as I did 5 km/h under the limit.... Geez! The really good news is this project is all telecommuting, so I'm staying put in the house for as long as possible. Went out for a few minutes today and had 2 close calls. My car must be invisible or something.... no one care see it.

Or no one cares.

Anyhoo, backing to butt-kicking on eBay --for now.

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