Thursday, November 16, 2006

In the Dark

Around Noon yesterday (Wednesday) we had a storm slam into the area. It seriously felt like a slam. I was playing cars with my son in his room when the trees at the front of our yard suddenly shifted closer to the house with the impact of the winds. I've heard the gusts were up to 100km/h and these continued throughout the day.

Just as school ended, the power finally went out. We spent the next 14 hours in the dark with next to nothing to do. We played board games, ate sandwiches (the fast food places with power quickly ran out of stock we were informed), and mostly read books. I started the next Harry Potter book (I'm a little behind but catching up quick) and am now over halfway through the 5th book.

My only concern as the night wore on was the new carton of ice cream we'd just picked up. It was surely going soft, so it was time for an ice cream party.

Any excuse...

So, I had a couple bowlfuls of ice cream and... (sighs...) dairy is never my friend when I have a bad cold.... I paid for it the rest of the night and into the morning. Power was finally restored at 4am.

But last night's power outage was nothing compared to the blackout I was in today....

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