Thursday, February 02, 2006

Caution Ahead: BARF..

Seriously, that's what was on the road warning sign coming home today.

It was supposed to say 'BARE' (although only in the town we were passing through would anyone need caution for BARE roads), but a couple of the bulbs were out in the bottom of the 'E' and it looked like an 'F' instead.

BARF ahead.

Well, damn, if it didn't turn out to be true. My son & daughter are both sick and throwing up left and right. They're both sleeping off another round of vomit as I type this, but the barf caution on the highway actually prepared me for the plethora of puke that has turned my "restful evening" in queasy quality time with my kids.

I hate the smell of vomit. And I'm getting a double-dose of it tonight!

I warned you in the title there'd be barf ahead.

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