Thursday, February 09, 2006

Revenge Part II - (um) Son of Revenge

So, I had my deposition on Friday last week. Spent 90 minutes telling a few people about how incompetent Drama Queen was when we worked in the same department. And I did make a list beforehand of the various "effed-up" things she had done when we did work together.

So much fun bringing up those memories.

Anyways, it's done and I've done my bit. I was asked if I felt hostile towards her because she had me fired. My answer was 'NO,' because I've never thought of it that way. she had nothing to do with my leaving and I'd brought along a letter from the VP in human resources accepting my resignation. And, I stated, if she had claimed to be the reason behind my so-called 'firing,' then she'd have a lot to answer for with other people in the office who knew I submitted a resignation! kind of... incompetent, wouldn't you say?

Hostile. Like I think anything of her at all.

To top off the week, my old boss (from Hell!) had his name in the newspaper the other day. After an event had occurred at work, his name was being dragged through the mud (LOL) and someone wrote a letter to the editor claiming maybe it was time for him to leave his job.

Not too many people get to see their ex-boss' name written in a newspaper unless something bad has happened. Well, this is bad, but not bad enough for him to be fired.

But glad someone out there thinks it!


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