Friday, September 17, 2004

My Pause For Concern

Yeah, I meant pause not cause.

I mentioned quite some time ago about running unexpectedly into my ex-girlfriend from lo those many years ago. I had quite a few people joking around with me at work because they figured we "hooked up" when we met. Yeah, we got together a couple time afterward...

I still get "Hey man, how's the ex!?" From some of the guys here and with the recent news, I had a great response:



After it soaks in, I laugh it off. It's not my kid (unless drinking coffee can do that sort of thing --insert Sex Caffeine joke here), but the timing is eerily coincidental. She's due almost 9 months to the day that we first ran into one another. Hehe.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

the readers demand new material. heh heh.