Monday, September 06, 2004

My New Kids

One of my more stressful & exhausting tasks last week was hiring my new batch of kids for the year. I had 6-8 positions to fill and interviewed 14 people.

It wasn't just people from before --there were a few of those (some have moved on, some were sick of it, some just didn't make it to the list) and they needed to be interviewed again, but there were also some new kids to meet and hire.

I needed somewhere an awful lot more private than my office area to interview and since Drama Queen was nice enough to do the schedule for me, I had 15-minute timeslots for each interview.


Fortunately, the first 3 didn't even show. One though it was a different day and the other two (sisters) had car troubles and had forgotten to re-schedule. Still, in one of my busiest weeks, it was a little annoying to waste nearly an hour of my day.

Eventually, I got down to the interviewing of people who showed up (1 point for them) and it went great. I interviewed them in the cafeteria (believe it or not it's more private than my office). At one point, one of my old co-workers came down for coffee and saw me sitting at a table with this one candidate, a very stunning blonde (she didn't get hired, although... *sigh*). He looked up from the coffee counter and gave me a smirk. And I knew what he was going to do next. My assumption is, he went back to the office and commented on the cute blonde I was talking to in the cafeteria. There's 3 guys he could've told and sure enough, about 10 minutes later one of them came down. Problem was, I was interviewing someone else. A young redhead. Hehe. So, there he was giving me quite the inquisitive look. Why? Where was the blonde? So, he must go back to the office and call the other one an idiot for mistaking the redhead for a blonde. They argue about what she looked like and a third guy decides to check things out for himself. Only now Alberta has sat down with me and we're discussing issues for the coming year. Yep, she's blonde (and stunning), but she's not the one the first guy saw me with. So he goes back and says she's definitely blonde and that gets them all going. Guy #4 has heard enough (gets quite jealous of me and the ladies.. ;) ) and he makes his way to the cafeteria as well. Nope, no blonde and no redhead. I'm talking to a young Japanese girl (she didn't get hired either). Now the fight really starts and they decide to all come down together and finalize this argument. Alas, I'm talking to someone else when they come down --an extremely cute little brunette. She did get hired, but I really heard about from the stooges when I dropped by the next day...

One of the regular kids from last year, whom I lovingly referred to as 'Pain in the Butt' was told (by me) why she wasn't coming back. It wasn't completely my decision --my boss wasn't impressed with her last year and when she forgot when her interview time was it all but finished her chances. She also had a poor interview (hello? You went through it the year before!!) and that helped make my decision easier.

Man-Child is coming back, but I've cut his hours. I'd opted not to have him back, but my boss likes him (don't ask) so he's back but with barely any shifts. Alberta is back (of course) and I'll be working with her immediately after the long weekend. Naughty Thursdays are about to be joined by Naughty Tuesdays, but I'll manage... I did before. A few others are back too and we'll see how the new kids work out.

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