Friday, November 18, 2005


Well, it's a bit of a surprise to see 5 emails in the inbox regarding posts on the blog.... yep, just the 2 readers, but a surprise nonetheless.

I know I forgot to mention that I've been trying to get to Washington state to check on an Amazon order that should've shipped to my PO box at the end of October. Well, it's only November 18, so I'm not too far off. Fortunately, the ladies at the post office all know me (& like me?) so they put up with my semi-rgular visits to pick up parcels.... as long as it's gone before Christmas!!

This post is pretty much doing 2 things:
1 - Helping me procrastinate on the first-ever assignment extension I've requested at this school.
2 - Responding to the 5 emails from earlier this morning.

Speaking of earlier this morning.... Dreama, we may now (myself and my 2 major readers --gave you both a promotion!) all be in the same timezone, but that doesn't mean I'm on MSN at fricky 6:30 in the morning! That's 3 hours after I've passed out!!

Onto, the emails:
From Madley:
I have a question about drawing the butts though... are the models different sizes and shapes? Don't butts look different, like some you can't even FIND any musculature?
Models come in different sizes and shapes, but most of ours have had some definition in them. some it's been more difficult to find... Our instructor is looking to see if we grasp the concept of whuch muscles belong where --and why. So when we have a model who doesn't have the definition (usually the legs have the least definition, believe it or not) is in front of us, then I play to the audience's 'wants' and define the muscles. :)

It sounds like you're in a good mode though... actually probably started with your leaving your job last year... it's called DEFINING YOUR LIFE FOR YOURSELF, calling your own damn shots. And people who yak, distract and don't fit... well, the Universe just kinda Calgon's them away. Thank Goodness.

This annoying guy was actually short-listed for our graduating project team. Although we're in charge of the project, we pull students in from at least 3 other programs to work with/for us. He went from the short-list to the un-list in one day. One talented artist has joined another team, but he mentioned he'd like to see their project leader be nothing more than an errand boy (the lead has limited skills, but will fight for his ways to be done) and fetch coffee. Our group is already meeting and discussing what we need to do (months before anything's assigned to us by the faculty) already and we're ahead of other groups with that. We hope to snag him for our group by next week. I'm surrounding myself with talented people so that my weaker areas vanish... Wonder how Dreama's feel if I took that job in Montreal? :D

Don't forget to write on your other blog too... I'd like to see at least SOME of those derrieres.

There were some images added a few weeks back --a drawing I was very proud of. I have a couple more to add as well, but those won't be up for a few more weeks. I need to focus on getting my work done (hehe) before any scanning takes place. Oh, and they're all quality glute's.

Ciao and... you don't have Thanksgiving there, do you?

Thanksgiving in Canada has come and gone. We have it in early October. Although my wife's family celebrates both Thanksgivings as her father is American. Actually, until yesterday. Now he's a fully-fledged... hoser.

From Dreama:
As for the [email list], I think I missed something. If anything, I think the group is just bored and restless right now, but who knows. Haven't seen much chatter going on lately. You weren't the only one who didn't comment on my trek. No one did. Hmph...s'alright, no offense taken.

Swear to God... I will post comments on your new blog.... as soon as I have some actual free frittering time! And you didn't miss anything on the list, I think. I made a comment and braced for the eventual attack. Then, to concede, I posted something give everyone a "I told you so" bit to get me. And no one responded. Then, a congratulatory message flamed my inbox with messages accusing me of calling them ignorant. How a message starting with "I don't know if everyone got this" translates into: "You're all stupid and ignorant."

But it did.

Honestly, I'm sure if I posted a message today, everything would be fine. No one would even remember the issue. I just don't feel up to posting right now...

So you sound a little sour these days. Your program doesn't agree with you? Sounds like you're doing well though, congrats on the butt drawings...wish I could see Matthew McConnaughey's butt right now, particularly since People voted him the sexiest for the year...pant, pant, pant...ok, have to go.

Sour.... stressed. Having a tough time handling some things when I start seeing weaknesses in the school and in myself. We've had 2 teachers fired this semester, one unfairly and the other shouldn't be referred to as a teacher --couldn't teach! The final 5 weeks of the semester is 5 assignments worth 20% each to give us our grade for the course. Everything we toiled through beforehand became meaningless --and 30 precious hours wasted.

I've seen enough butts I could probably fairly accurately describe his butt.... BUT there's no way I'm going there. I'll leave that to you... um, both of you! ;)

OK, am now going to attempt getting to the post office!!

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