Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had my semi-regular job review this week. I still love the job, despite some days when it's more stressful than I'd like. Those are the days when my lunchtime walks are a little slower... so I can take in some fresh air and not have to deal with work for an hour. But I love the job. I don't want it to end anytime soon!

My contract, sadly, expires in early August.

2 months ago, I could've written that I was 100% confident on a contract renewal. And even now, I'm still 90% confident about it. But my job review ended on a strange note.

I got a lot of stellar comments. I was told I'm great to work with, that I'm someone they can always count on. I'm dedicated. I'm a go-to guy. They love me so much, they wish they could get 5 more people just like me. They've recommended me for a new job.

At a different company.

So, while I'm getting all the compliments and responding to them all with "Oh, thank you", "Thanks", and "Wow, that's quite the compliment", I ended with "Thank y-- wait, what?!"

Yep, as assured as they can make me that I'm up for renewal in August, recommending me to another company is not exactly what I had mind.

This is turning into a very interesting year...

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