Sunday, October 07, 2007

The One With Thanks

I said earlier that it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I'm working all weekend, but so far it hasn't been too stressful.

Here's hoping it continues tomorrow!

There's quite a few things I'm thankful for, and some of them even follow-up on points brought up in my 700th post. Here's a list of things/people I'm thankful for:
  • A job. It doesn't pay well and there's little to no credit for the work I do. But it's a job. And apparently, I'm "excellent" at it (my boss' word, not mine!).
  • A train. It means a less stressful commute. I get to read and listen to music while making my way into the city. It's a little longer than driving most days, but also half the price.
  • A plan. Africa may be in my future and I'm planning for it.
  • A face. Facebook is addicting as anything, but I'm thankful for every face from my past who enters my life again. To think I didn't think I had any friends....
  • A family. They've been supportive of my good decisions and bad decisions. Thankfully.
  • A church. Don't roll your eyes. They support me too and a bunch of the men are coming to do some renovations to our house.
  • A cash jar. I'm putting all my American money in a jar and holding onto it for a while. It's worth less than the Canadian dollar right now, but I know in 2008 it's going to climb again. And 2008 is not that far away!
  • A blog. I still have thoughts that sometimes need somewhere to be expressed. So, thanks for reading.
OK, I still have to work tomorrow, so 3 posts in one day is more than you usually get from me in a week!

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I'm thankful for my friends who take the time to blog...among other things I am thankful for.

Not rolling my eyes at all for your thankfulness of church. If it works for you, I am happy for you. I know it certainly made a difference in my sister's life. It isn't for everyone but those who do subscribe, seem quite happy with their decision, and being happy can never be wrong, can it? (don't answer that)

Africa, huh? do tell!