Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mr Lonely

Okay, no new posts in weeks isn't really a *new* thing for me, but utter silence usually is.

Let's just say I've started to consider my daughter a primary plague carrier --especially in this family. With her starting kindergarten in September and me being particularly defenseless after staking so many hours into projects leading up to September 15th...

By September 17th I was down and out and am still recovering on October 5. In the meantime, I've had:
  • an eye infection
  • an earache
  • a cold
  • bronchitis
There were a few days where if someone had pointed a gun at my head, I would have said "thank you" if they put me out of my misery, but I could see the phlegm and sinus fluid overpowering my body and absorbing anyone who got near to me.

So I pretty much slept on my 2 weeks off. And had very little contact with the outside world.

I know, plenty of time for blogging, right? No, actually. Typing made me sweat too much. I was only good to sleep on the couch.

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