Saturday, August 20, 2005

Size Matters

Thursday afternoon erupted into another geek-fest.

The debate this time? Which is the best joystick ever made for game consoles.

Some debated that the latest "dual-shox" pad with rotator ball, mini-wheel, 12-button capabilities is THE best (which is it's THE latest), I argued that it's been a downhill snowball for years.

The Atari 2600 joystick was the best, bar none. You could jumpy out of a plane, drive a car, grab a gun and shoot a Nazi with it all by doing one thing:

Push a button.

As the debate raged, we then discussed one classmates latest "joystick acquisition" and how big and manly it is. The one woman in class, all alone against the tyranny of 17 guys, quickly responded:

"It's not that big."

Quote of the year, that.

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