Thursday, May 08, 2008


When I started the new job, I knew the biggest risk was the temporary status in the contract. Essentially, I was guaranteed work for 6 months, with a good chance of the contract being extended. It was extended on day 1, actually. It turned out they needed me for 7 months.

My contract expires the end of August and in some ways, I was looking forward to the end. Oh, it's a great job, but I am tired... a lot.

And now my contract is getting another extension, 99.9% guaranteed. There's a slight chance it'll end early, but if it doesn't end early, then I'm most likely on for the long haul. Or Spring of 2009, whatever. I already have a contingency plan in place, in case the job ends unexpectedly, but it'd be nice to keep it as a contingency only.

At the same time, my wife has been offered a job that really answers a lot of the gaping holes in our life right now. The timing was perfect. So, naturally, she turned it down.


My wife has decided she doesn't want to work much anymore and after years of scraping by, we're going to continue down that road for a while longer. I am not, however, upset about it. She's worked hard for a number of years, doing more than her share of the financial contributions. So, it's my turn for a while... or forever. Unless there's lottery winnings in my future.

So, the balance remains. We'll be no further ahead, financially, but maybe our relationship will improve... that's a good balance.

(from the train.)

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