Monday, July 30, 2007

The One with a Headache

I started the last post with a comment about not posting for three weeks... and now I've beaten that record. Woot, 22 days between posts!

I think, anyway.

The one really good thing about not posting on an almost-daily basis is that things pile up and I have stuff to say.

Like this:
  1. Last week was a very bad week for me. Sick on Monday, almost fired on Tuesday (I made a major mistake and one of my friends totally saved my bacon!), and because of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were total gong shows as everyone was paranoid around the office. Friday was Friday only I was told by my boss to expect overtime soon... because a co-worker hadn't done enough work. Wha!?!
  2. I didn't get fired, but 3 people on my team did. Not sure the rationale behind it, but one I don't have a clue what he looked like and the other two I would've helped escort out. :) Nothing lost, really.
  3. My fairly uneventful birthday came and went. I went and saw a movie all by myself and got almost half the people in the theatre kicked out. It was an afternoon matinee and there were 8 of us. 3 people sat directly behind me and wouldn't shutup. They were soon gone.
  4. The movie wasn't great. I don't think I'll ever enjoy a movie again as there's always something now that annoys me.
  5. Sorry, it was Transformers.
  6. Best birthday presents in years. A number of cool books by authors I like, movie tickets, clothes, and cash. What more could I ask for? Well, people to stop saying I'm difficult to buy for!!
  7. The reunion happened on Saturday night and I was at home for my birthday. I've seen 150+ pictures on Facebook from the event, which was attended by 70+ people. I knew 7 or 8 of them. I would've been bored silly.
  8. I have even more friends on Facebook and am meeting up with some for coffee and chats. I have all but 2 of 'My Kids' as friends. I miss 'em.
  9. My wife's up for a decent job at the old office From Hell. It's a job I've never done before, but the hiring process is giving me a headache as similar themes are occurring for her that happened to me once upon a time.
  10. Back to Facebook (it is crack). I've caught up with friends far and wide and have discovered some freaky-ass connections. Such as:
    **One of my college friends was close friends in high school with a girl I... was with. We didn't really date exclusively, but mainly just slept around (I'm such a whore) when she was dating a friend of mine.
    **A girl I knew in the 5th Grade is best friends with a guy who works with my old college roommate.
    **She helped me figure out what happened to my first girlfriend.
  11. OK, I have 5 friends who are technically "ex's". There's also a couple that I had major crushes on. One, from my high school grad class, to this day and who found me on there. She's still hot --and twice divorced.
  12. Another friend from high school may be hooking me up with a better job --and soon. I'll say more when/if I can.
OK, that's another dozen things from the past 22 days. Some day I may even clarify some of those points!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The One With Little To Say

3 weeks between posts pretty much wraps up what I have to say.... nothing much at all.

I am tired, that's for sure. The past 3 weeks have averaged about 70 hours' work. It's been a long haul, but the first project is essentially done and I've moved on to a second one already. This project's a bit bigger and with it comes more responsibility. I have a couple guys answering to me, so I have to make sure they're keeping on track. It's also about three times the size of the previous group I was with and there's been a few people fired already too. There was one guy around my age who was fired this week for doing something really stupid... something that should be common knowledge not to do, but he did it anyway and paid the price. Very stupid person. The office is actually filled with a number of idiots like that, though, and they're fairly easy to spot. If they're younger, then they usually have their pants below their ass and if they're older, they think ratty t-shirts are "work casual."


The reunion thing his a snag and was re-scheduled to my birthday. I've never been one for socializing with too many people on my birthday anyway, so the idea of meeting up with a number of people who may or may not have been part of my past doesn't enthuse me. Apparently, there was 40+ people on Facebook planning on attending and another 100+ not online who sent an RSVP as well. Then someone went and announced it was back on the original date, and at a new location. Typical. Then the original host announced that they knew nothing of the new time/location and that the reunion was still going as scheduled. Even more typical. I had major flashbacks to the crap I faced with these people in the early 90s and promptly left the group (in '94 and in 2007!). Enough. I emailed the people I'd like to catch up with and left it at that. Good enough for me.

Work's been busy enough that I've had no time to work on any other projects. EBay is unofficially out of the picture until I can figure out some schedule for mailing stuff. I desperately needed to get some items out a few weeks ago and wasn't able to do it until last week. EBay buyers have never been a patient bunch (I've gotten emails within 24 hours of receiving payment asking why their stuff hasn't arrived), so delaying things doesn't help.

I can't think of anything else right now, so this post's come to an end.