Sunday, June 10, 2007

The One About Transitions

Between work keeping me away from any 'net presence from 6am - 8pm 5 days a week and only so many hours to breathe on weekends, my blog writing has nearly vanished. So has my reading, so if you've noticed a lack of comments on your posts, that's why.

This week I worked 6 days as our project is supposed to wrap-up this coming Friday, the 15th and there's always a lot to do at the end of the production.

But with the end looming, I was starting to get a little concerned as to where I was going next. Fortunately, there's nothing to fear because I was informed yesterday that another team pushing for an early September finish has asked my boss about getting me onto the project ASAP. No problem there. I still wish the pay was better.

I've been taking the train almost exclusively since the beginning of May and I'm very happy I made the switch. It's just over $150 a month to "train it" and my ticket is good for all types of transit around the city. So, no extra "cha-ching" paid out to buses or the LRT system. Timing is a big thing and I experimented with a different bus route in the morning. It takes a longer route but leaves about 8 minutes earlier than the other bus. I can grab it at the train station and sit down as opposed to standing next to the driver in a sardine tin-like crowded bus that may or may not show up on time. The new route driver is also a very friendly guy and knows almost everyone on the route by name.

I also made arrangements to leave work 30 minutes earlier than my co-workers by taking a half hour lunch instead of an hour. It's almost working out. If I can catch the right bus and the right LRT, I can make it to the train station by 5:51 and be home before 7pm. If I miss any connection, then I have to wait until 6:41 for the next train. Ugh.

Funny thing. I know I've missed the earlier bus if the cute driver picks me up outside the office. Always try and find a balance, eh? I may miss my train, but there's a cute girl to talk to in the meantime ;) I also like the people-watching aspect of riding the train. I've discovered quite quickly which train has the better looking people on it as opposed to the one car that seemed to attract a group that acted like it was a church outing. They were milling about and talking to people 8 seats over on the way in, so I've tried to stick with the same car for every trip into the office.

Yesterday was a drive-to-work day as the trains don't run on weekends. I hated it as people were slowing down on the freeway for no apparent reason and then slamming on the brakes when they saw a radar trap. Honestly, I wish the polcie would start pulling these people over too. What's worse? A guy going 110 in a 100 zone or someone going 80 in a 100 zone and then slamming on the brakes when they see a cop? Ridiculous. Back to the train tomorrow!

IF the train's are running, that is. We're on a bit of f a flood alert here as we had a record snowfall in the mountains and a lengthy winter followed by a week of 25+ degree weather. The train goes beside the rive and is essentially the only dike blocking some areas from flooding. Watching out the window, I can see spots where the river's creeping up higher and closer to businesses and homes and the debris in the river is definitely getting worse! Friday was the first sign of really bad news, though, as it's the first tree I've seen floating by with fresh greenery on it. That means a riverbank's given way somewhere. I'll know later this afternoon if I have to drive to a closer station to catch the train or if there'll be buses running between the affected stations.

The reunion I griped about in my last post is happening in July and it took a few more days and I got an invitation. I replied fairly quickly and am happy to go. I still don't think I need friends, but who am I kidding? I love hearing what people have been up to since I last saw them and most of the 30+ people who have said they'd be there (there's another 50+ who might show up), one of them was my prom date. I haven't seen her in 13 years and, no, it's not the same girl I've posted about before (as in 'My First Love'). That was the girl I should have taken... the one at the reunion is the one I took and shouldn't have bothered.

There's a couple people at the reunion who I could care less about seeing. I mentioned in an earlier post that some people have improved with age and some definitely have not. Being a selfish bastard, one girl I didn't want to see again had dated a couple of my friends in high school and I could never figure out what they saw in this annoying girl who definitely weighed in the 250+ pound range. 250+ pounds almost means she was half the girl she is today judging by the pictures on Facebook. Good Lord! The girl has not taken care of herself and I'm happy I've been running again because I'll have to keep my distance from her at the reunion.

Also on the selfish front, I noticed my best friend from those days is on Facebook and no one's tagged him yet. I'll avoid him until after the reunion's done as he really annoyed me at our high school reunion when he started lying to a girl he had a crush on back in the day. It was always so easy to see when he was lying because his neck tightened up and he'd bob his head while the pitch of his voice changed. I'd forgotten about it until he did it again at the banquet.

I'm still addicted to Facebook. I'm almost at 100 friends (go figure) and I'm writing up a little something when I hit the century mark. I do the occasional search for old friends to see who's turned up and sometimes there's a new face.

The small world syndrome hits every once in a while too. Idiot Boy from school (and eventually work where he was fired) was a high school friend of the wife of one of my friends. A high school friend of mine (who lives 5 blocks away from me!) went to college with a guy from my youth group. They never would've crossed paths otherwise. One of "My Kids" is also next door neighbors to my old college roommate. 'Tis a small world after all.

So, with a lack of posts, I kind of throw everything into one post like this. I"ve been thinking more and more about just stopping altogether, but then I still need a location to vent and facebook is not the place to do it. I'd never reveal this blog to anyone on Facebook as there could be problems. I'd rather keep tihs one somewhat 'anonymous' as opposed to a public face....

I've looked at dropping other things as well lately. The game I was totally addicted to has undergone some changes recently and I play maybe 10-15 minutes a week now compared to the 10-20 hours a week I'd put in before I got the new job. Even when I"m home I can't find the urge to play very often, although last week I needed to put in a couple hours before I lost some stuff. It may be virtual gods, but it doesn't exactly mean I'd like to get rid of it quite yet. :)

Kind of like this blog.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

the whole train scene reminds me of a virtual reality show that used to be on tv...

give up blogging? egads! Give up the game need a place to vent, and I need to read