Friday, December 05, 2003

My Boss

My boss is a decent enough Calgarian, but today he decided to play the Ass.

Boss: "Was there a hockey game last night?"

[uh-oh! I thought, he found out! Crap!]

Me: "Uh, yes. There was. WHY?"

Boss: "Just curious. There was nothing in the paper this morning."

Me: "Oh...?"

Boss: "Who was playing?"

Me: "Calgary and Vancouver..."

Boss: "And Vancouver won, of course right?"

Me: "Uh, no..."

Boss: "NO?!!?! Well, that's interesting! LOST to Calgary, hmmm? What was the score?"

Me: "4-1."

Boss: "Four goals you say? Well, will wonder never cease! And Iginla? Did he manage to score?"

Me: "Twice."

Boss: "That goalie, Turek, must've played one great game!"

Me: "Turek didn't play..."

Boss: "No Turek?!?! Well good for McLennan!"

Me: "...he didn't play either."

Boss: "No Turek? No McLennan? Are you telling me the third-string goaltender beat Vancouver?!!?!?"

Me: "I guess so..."

Boss: "Isn't that interesting?"

Me: "Not really. I'm supposed to be the sarcastic bastard in this department!"

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