Thursday, November 08, 2007

The One With Vocabulary

I swear I'm working on the Arfica post. I've written about 6 hours' worth of stuff, which most college classmates could tell you is impressive for me. I used to submit essays that I wrote in a couple hours. No, not all the marks were good, but damn I could write em up quick!!

Work is frustrating. I'm on my new team and hear snippets of rumors everyday about more layoffs, staff shuffles, and such. 90% of the people in my area are now gone. My friends have stuck around but have all moved to a different project and I don't share the same break schedule as them. I see them in the mornings by the Starbucks and that's about it.

I'm sad, lonely, and a little paranoid.

One of my bosses was around this week "discussing" future plans with several o the guys on the team. While I should've (I think) moved into my area of specialty on this team, they wanted me to branch out a bit. The problem is, now there's only one person with the same skillset as me and he's swamped with work. He's been given a ton of responsibility, as have others on the team that are of equal 'stature' to me. I've got nothing.

I mentioned a couple job prospects that turned into nothing. Dead air. Not happy about it. I also caught wind of another opportunity that pays nearly 3 times the money and is a whopping 2-minute commute. I can handle that. The person for me to contact pulled a Costanza-like move on me and after giving me the details, took off for a 3-week project in Africa. Africa! She pawned off the job prospect to her assistant, who then received 2 emails from me. When I finally saw her in person, she told me I needed to contact someone else. Why she couldn't reply in an email with that, but waited to see me in person 3 days later.... So, off to the next person. 2 more emails and no response. The 3-week project in Africa is almost done, so I'm hoping (beyond hope, I know) that there's still some chance there at the end of next week. Ugh.

Good fortune may be smiling on me anyway as I'm also expecting to hear good news about a $5000 offer to design a new website. Can I do it? Probably! Does 5-grand motivate me to do it? You bet!!

If only that paid all the bills...

The only big highlight over the past few days is the arrival of my new friend, 'My First Love', on Facebook. She's still got that look in her eyes that drives me crazy.

Oh, and the thing with the vocabulary? I've been writing everyday on the train. I'm impressing myself and one day I might share... just not on here. :)